

Publications and reports written by authors of the EcoSys4you-project team or with contributions of them are mentioned here and further will be mentioned soon.



Butzin, A. & Flögel, F. (2023): High-tech development for "left behind" places: lessons-learnt from the Ruhr cybersecurity ecosystem. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2023.

Flögel, F.; Meyer, K.; Butzin, A. & Rabadjieva, M. (2024): "Im Ruhrgebiet tut sich was" - Stärken und Schwächen des Gründungsökosystems Ruhr. IAT-Forschung aktuell. https://doi.org/10.53190/fa/202405

Butzin, A.; Rabadjieva, Maria; Flögel, F. & Meyer K. (2024): Internationalisierung von Gründungsökosystemen am Beispiel des Projekts Ecosys4you. IAT-Forschung aktuell. https://doi.org/10.53190/fa/202406


D1.2 Potential and Venture Biographies' Analysis

D1.3 Shortlist of Entrepreneurial Activities

D1.5(1) Action Plan for Joint Classes

D1.5(2) Action Plan for Mentoring

D1.5(3) Action Plan for cross-ecosystem Internships

D1.5(4) Action Plan for co-ideation Challenges

D2.1 Implementation Strategy Joint Classes

D2.2 A detailed concept of the Joint Classes

D3.1 Implementation Startegy Mentoring

D3.2 A detailed description of the Mentoring Programme

D4.1 Match-making Tool Internships

D5.1 A list of co-ideation chalenges

D6.1 Communication & Dissemination Plan