

Publications and reports written by authors of the EcoSys4you-project team or with contributions of them are mentioned here and further will be mentioned soon.



Flögel, F., Letonja, M., Meyer, K., Rabadjieva, M., Vilman, Z., Zhekova, R., Zlateva, M. & Butzin, A. (2025): Beyond start-up formation: Effects of entrepreneurial ecosystem support activities for developing lagging regions. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 2025, 1-20.

Butzin, A.; Rabadjieva, Maria; Flögel, F. & Meyer K. (2024): Internationalisierung von Gründungsökosystemen am Beispiel des Projekts Ecosys4you. IAT-Forschung aktuell. https://doi.org/10.53190/fa/202406

Flögel, F.; Meyer, K.; Butzin, A. & Rabadjieva, M. (2024): "Im Ruhrgebiet tut sich was" - Stärken und Schwächen des Gründungsökosystems Ruhr. IAT-Forschung aktuell. https://doi.org/10.53190/fa/202405

Butzin, A. & Flögel, F. (2023): High-tech development for "left behind" places: lessons-learnt from the Ruhr cybersecurity ecosystem. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2023.


D1.2 Potential and Venture Biographies' Analysis

D1.3 Shortlist of Entrepreneurial Activities

D1.5(1) Action Plan for Joint Classes

D1.5(2) Action Plan for Mentoring

D1.5(3) Action Plan for cross-ecosystem Internships

D1.5(4) Action Plan for co-ideation Challenges

D2.1 Implementation Strategy Joint Classes

D2.2 A detailed concept of the Joint Classes

D3.1 Implementation Startegy Mentoring

D3.2 A detailed description of the Mentoring Programme

D4.1 Match-making Tool Internships

D5.1 A list of co-ideation chalenges

D6.1 Communication & Dissemination Plan